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CRP Reflection

            This final paper was by far the most challenging paper I have ever written in my life. I’ve probably sat in front of my laptop for just hours gazing upon nothing. This paper had weeks of development leading up to it, weeks of research in the computer lab yet I could not think of how to write this. I kept asking myself what I am truly trying to say. What am I trying to accomplish? It’s so easy when you talk in your head to yourself when trying to figure something out but actually doing it is completely different. You procrastinate and procrastinate until finally you just start. And you pray that whatever you write is the best it can be.

My goal for writing this paper was to show that I was able to formulate an idea from the reading ‘Super Frog Saves Tokyo” and make something out of it that was unique to me. I felt that by making a connection from Freud and his patients from one of his studies to Murakami’s work shows the research I put into this. I never thought that I could such a connection that I hope made sense and that my idea can be understood upon. I tried my best with this paper. I feel like my connections and my writing do all the talking for how I felt about this.

Without a doubt this paper was difficult and stressful and made me want to rip my hair out at times, but helpful. And I know it was helpful on the fact that by completing this paper, I’m prepared for what college has in store for me later on.

EE Reflection

           When originally tasked with writing this paper, I felt lost and gazed when sitting in front of my computer.  It’s Halloween night and everyone is out trick-o-treating and I’m asking myself how to write this. I probably spent a good hour or so just trying to find a catchy title. And once I found that, the introduction took even longer. For me, writing is like a rhythm, kind of like a dance. Until you find that groove, it’s very difficult to know what to write. But after sitting in front of my computer for an hour, I started figuring it out.

My main goal with writing this paper was to really get across the point that the narrator in the Black Cat hated himself so much that he didn’t want to face his problems. He instead used the cats as a means of displacing how he felt. He removed a cat’s eye just for avoiding him. I felt that it was very important to get the point across that this guy is harming innocent cats because he hates himself so much. And when that hate for himself grows so large, he kills his wife because she was suffering so much by being with him.

Lastly, the assignment was very helpful in the fact that it allowed me to understand how to convey an idea in a way that is less argumentative but more of finding one. The assignment was definitely the first time I wrote a paper in this nature. You get so used to creating a thesis statement and trying to prove it that its difficult at first to right in a different style. But this change ultimately was nice and I know for a fact that later on in college when I need to write one of these papers again, this experience will definitely make it easier for me to write.


Literacy Narrative Reflection

             I usually find myself being neutral on the political spectrum. I never want to side with a political view without hearing all the sides. Certain topics such as healthcare, or economical budgets, warrant discussions that make a resolution difficult. Conservatives trying to victimize Betsy DeVos, isn’t.

Ruby Bridges and Betsy DeVos’s actions have no such connection that I see of. Their backgrounds alone can help define the empathy I seek for one and despise the other. I don’t think a white woman who grew up with proper education who was most likely never discriminated can be compared to a little black girl during the hearts of the civil rights movement.  It’s a comparison that makes no sense. I’d rather people compare DeVos critically towards former Secretaries of Education.

I wonder if making comparisons of the such are made to spark debate amongst us. Topics like racial injustice in America are some of the most one-sided debates in the country today. Many people feel very strong about their stance on what’s really going on. I feel very strong on my opinion. Maybe these things are done to see if people have changed the way they think. If a liberal may entertain the ideas of a conservative slightly more, or if a conservative recognizes into liberal talk. Sparking debate every here and there could lead to a better understanding at the problem at hand.